Password Generator

Need to generate hard-to-crack passwords? Try this free strong password generator.

Generate secure, random passwords to stay secure.

Password generation will be done in the browser, we will not upload or store your password

What is a strong password?

Most people are not good at setting up both passwords, and it is even more difficult to set up passwords that have both characteristics. That's why we've created a strong password generator to create safe and easy-to-remember passwords for you. 81% of data breaches are caused by reused or weak passwords, so random and unique passwords are the best defense against cyber threats.

Why is a strong password recommended?

1. Prevent guessing attacks. Strong passwords contain letters, numbers, and symbols and are longer than 8 characters, which makes brute force guessing unfeasible. Simple alphanumeric passwords are easy to guess.

2. Prevent dictionary attacks. Many people use common words or short sequences of numbers as passwords, which are easily cracked by dictionary attacks. A strong password does not contain common words or simple sequences of numbers.

3. Prevent brute force cracking. With the increase in computer computing power, it is easy to brute-force passwords using simple passwords. Strong passwords are much more difficult to brute-force due to their complexity and length.

4. Prevent social workers from cracking. Because strong passwords are difficult to remember, they are less likely to be attacked and obtained by social workers. Simple passwords can be easily obtained through various social work methods, such as shoulder shielding, monitoring, etc.

5. Protection of Privacy. Strong passwords can effectively protect our accounts, fund security and private information from being leaked. Once a simple password is cracked, privacy and data security are at great risk.